Wednesday, March 29, 2023

EDC Wednesday: EDC Mistakes

Since Everyday Carry (EDC) is about the items that we carry with us on a daily basis, a lot of focus is placed on gear. It is the gear, more than anything else, that has created the EDC Community.

It is true that we want to have the tools necessary to tackle the jobs that pop up during the day, but we also want cool tools to do those jobs. There are tons of cool gears that we can buy to create an EDC kit, and that can translate into hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

To prevent you from spending lots of money on things that only sit in a drawer and collect dust, here are some common mistakes people make when it comes to EDC.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when creating an EDC:
  1. Carrying too much: This was a big mistake when I first started carrying an intentional EDC. I watched YouTube videos and saw what other people were doing and thought, “I need to carry that too.” I had my pockets full of stuff that I never used: a lighter, screwdriver, Allen wrench, and a few other pieces of gear. One of the things that was happening is that I would put my phone in the pocket, and all the stuff in my pockets would crack the screen protector. I went through three or four protectors before I figured out what was happening. Just because someone else carries it or you can find a pocket version of some tool doesn’t mean you should add it to your carry.
  2. Not considering your daily routine: Your EDC should be tailored to your daily routine. For instance, if you work in an office, you may not need to carry a heavy-duty knife or a multitool. You only need to carry those things that make sense for your day-to-day life. There is no reason to carry a bunch of stuff around that never comes out of your pocket except when it is time to go to bed.
  3. Focusing on brand names rather than quality: This is huge. There are plenty of good quality knives that are made by “budget” companies. My most expensive knife (Buck Sprint Pro) is also the knife that has the most problems, and I never carry it because of that. In that instance, I had the opportunity to buy it, and I did based on the brand. If I had done my regular research, I would have discovered that the problem I have with the knife is a common problem, and I wouldn’t have bought it. The lesson is to do research and find stuff that is quality.
  4. Creating a carry around a theme: This is by far the biggest mistake I made. One of the things people love to do with their EDC is to create it based on a certain theme: color (olive green), movie (Star Wars), material (brass), or team (Denver Broncos). So I started creating a wishlist of things that fell into the themes (I imagined having these different themes) instead of what I really enjoyed carrying. Now, five years or so into EDC, the theme is secondary. I have things that are in a theme that I never carry because I don’t like the items. This is not “Never create your EDC around a theme,” rather it is “Find out what you like before finding the items to make up your themed carry.”
It is easy to spend a lot of money on creating an EDC. It is impossible not to spend money on gear that you end up never using. The reality is that we can’t know how useful something is until it is part of our daily system.

It is possible, with a little bit of time, thought, and research, to create an EDC with items that fit you perfectly without also having a drawer full of stuff that never gets used.

Do you have any other mistakes that you would add to the list?

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