Showing posts with label multi-tool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multi-tool. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

EDC Wednesday: $100 EDC From Amazon


Last month, Taylor Martin over at The Best Damn EDC took on a challenge of buying a complete EDC kit on Amazon for $100. He had done a similar challenge a few years ago and asked his followers what the bare minimum EDC carry would be. They determined that a wallet, watch, pen/pencil, flashlight, key organizer, and a tool (knife, multitool, pry bar) were essential items. This formed the foundation for his challenge, and he completed several challenges ($50, $100, $200) at different stores using that combination.

However, the challenge he did last month had a slightly different focus. He was looking for a wallet, pen, flashlight, key organizer, knife, and multitool. As I watched the video, I wondered what I could do for $100 on Amazon. I decided to challenge myself to find items I would recommend to a person creating an Everyday Carry for the first time. So, I opted not to look for a wallet or key organizer because I assumed most people already have those things covered.

Therefore, I searched for a knife, multitool, pen, flashlight, and pocket organizer, and here's what I found.

I don't have an extra $100 lying around to buy this kit, but it doesn't matter because I already own and carry all of this gear except for the knife. That's why I feel comfortable recommending any of this stuff to a person who wants to know what to get when starting out in EDC.


For my multitool, I decided to go with the Victorinox Swiss Army Tinker. There are several reasons why I chose the Tinker. First, because it's a Swiss Army knife, it's non-threatening and can be used when other people are around. Second, the Tinker version has a Philips screwdriver instead of a corkscrew, which is more practical for everyday situations. Third, like most Swiss Army knives, it comes with tweezers, which I've used to remove splinters from my kids' hands. I like having tweezers on me. You can get the Tinker cheaper if you go with the traditional red version, but I went with the black because I had a black and silver theme going on.


A few weeks ago, while browsing knives on Amazon, I came across the Civivi Mini Praxis for under $30 and was tempted to get it. Although I don't personally own or use it, my EDC knife is a Civivi Baklash (which I carry 90% of the time) and most of the YouTube reviewers like the Civivi brand, so I'm confident that the Mini Praxis would be a solid choice for someone looking for an EDC knife. I also think that the 3-inch blade is the perfect size for EDC.


There are a couple of flashlights in this price range that I would recommend to people. My favorite is the Lumintop Tool AA, which I carry most of the time. The reason is that it uses 1 AA battery instead of 1 AAA battery like the others, so it's a bit brighter at its brightest. I also like that it's a bit bigger than the AAA flashlights.

Pocket Organizer 

Since three of these items have a pocket clip, you could clip them to the top of your pocket instead of letting them ride loose in your pocket, but I don't like that. Besides my knife, I like keeping my gear in an organizer. I have several, but my favorite is this Diodrio leather pocket organizer. It's perfect for my small Leatherman Style PS, Lumintop flashlight, and Zebra Compact Pen.


We all have our favorite pens. My favorite pens are the Zebra ballpoint pens, so when I discovered that they made a compact version, I knew that was what I would use in my EDC. The compact size fits perfectly in the pocket organizer, which means I have a quality pen with me at all times.

Everyday Carry can get expensive, especially if you end up buying a bunch of stuff that you don't like or don't use. That's why finding budget gear is the way to begin, as it allows you to try things out to see if they're the right fit for you before you spend a lot of money on something you may not like. When you do that, you may discover that this budget gear fits you just right and that there's no reason to upgrade.

Keep carrying.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

EDC Wednesday: EDC Mistakes

Since Everyday Carry (EDC) is about the items that we carry with us on a daily basis, a lot of focus is placed on gear. It is the gear, more than anything else, that has created the EDC Community.

It is true that we want to have the tools necessary to tackle the jobs that pop up during the day, but we also want cool tools to do those jobs. There are tons of cool gears that we can buy to create an EDC kit, and that can translate into hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

To prevent you from spending lots of money on things that only sit in a drawer and collect dust, here are some common mistakes people make when it comes to EDC.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when creating an EDC:
  1. Carrying too much: This was a big mistake when I first started carrying an intentional EDC. I watched YouTube videos and saw what other people were doing and thought, “I need to carry that too.” I had my pockets full of stuff that I never used: a lighter, screwdriver, Allen wrench, and a few other pieces of gear. One of the things that was happening is that I would put my phone in the pocket, and all the stuff in my pockets would crack the screen protector. I went through three or four protectors before I figured out what was happening. Just because someone else carries it or you can find a pocket version of some tool doesn’t mean you should add it to your carry.
  2. Not considering your daily routine: Your EDC should be tailored to your daily routine. For instance, if you work in an office, you may not need to carry a heavy-duty knife or a multitool. You only need to carry those things that make sense for your day-to-day life. There is no reason to carry a bunch of stuff around that never comes out of your pocket except when it is time to go to bed.
  3. Focusing on brand names rather than quality: This is huge. There are plenty of good quality knives that are made by “budget” companies. My most expensive knife (Buck Sprint Pro) is also the knife that has the most problems, and I never carry it because of that. In that instance, I had the opportunity to buy it, and I did based on the brand. If I had done my regular research, I would have discovered that the problem I have with the knife is a common problem, and I wouldn’t have bought it. The lesson is to do research and find stuff that is quality.
  4. Creating a carry around a theme: This is by far the biggest mistake I made. One of the things people love to do with their EDC is to create it based on a certain theme: color (olive green), movie (Star Wars), material (brass), or team (Denver Broncos). So I started creating a wishlist of things that fell into the themes (I imagined having these different themes) instead of what I really enjoyed carrying. Now, five years or so into EDC, the theme is secondary. I have things that are in a theme that I never carry because I don’t like the items. This is not “Never create your EDC around a theme,” rather it is “Find out what you like before finding the items to make up your themed carry.”
It is easy to spend a lot of money on creating an EDC. It is impossible not to spend money on gear that you end up never using. The reality is that we can’t know how useful something is until it is part of our daily system.

It is possible, with a little bit of time, thought, and research, to create an EDC with items that fit you perfectly without also having a drawer full of stuff that never gets used.

Do you have any other mistakes that you would add to the list?

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

EDC Wednesday: Creating an EDC


All of us have an Everyday Carry. Most of the items we carry on a daily basis are there by default: wallet, keys, and phone. We wouldn’t get very far without those things.

For me, EDC is taking things to the next level. It isn’t just about what I need to take along with me, but thinking about what items would actually be helpful in our daily lives. The basic level of EDC is the items we have by default, and the next level of EDC is the items we have by choice.

Creating an Everyday Carry (EDC) is a personal process that involves selecting the items that will best suit your needs and preferences. Here are some general steps that can help guide you through the process:

Determine the purpose of your carry.

I believe that you should think in terms of purpose rather than need. The reason for this is that, for many of us, the items that we “need” on a daily basis are small; in fact, they are covered by our default carry. As a pastor, I have no need to carry a knife, multitool, or flashlight on a daily basis. From a need standpoint, my EDC is impractical.

This is why determining the purpose of your carry is crucial. Having a purpose to your carry moves things from being impractical to serving a purpose. In my mind, there are two main philosophies when it comes to purpose: Functional or Preparedness.

A Functional Carry would mean carrying items that are helpful for your job or daily life. For example, I grew up on a farm, and in my high school and college years, I began carrying pliers with me because they were helpful for a variety of tasks (plus my dad did). I know that if I were a farmer, I would carry with me: a pair of pliers, a heavy-duty multitool (Leatherman Surge), a solid budget knife (Ontario RAT 1), a flashlight, and a pencil or Sharpie. All those things would prove useful throughout the day and reduce the need to run back to the shed to get what I need. There are certain jobs for which it makes sense to build your carry based on its functionality on a daily basis.

A Preparedness Carry would be carrying items based on being prepared for what circumstances might arise during the day. This is my philosophy when it comes to EDC. A preparedness carry is based on thinking through the most likely circumstances you might face during a normal day, rather than trying to be prepared for every potential event that might happen. 

I carry the Leatherman Skeletool because most of the maintenance tasks that might pop up at home require nothing more than pliers or a screwdriver. I carry the Olight i3t eos flashlight for those times when I might need to look under the couch or other dark place in search of a Lego that dropped there. I carry the Victorinox Tinker Swiss Army knife because of its tweezers that I have used to get splinters out of the kids’ hands. I carry the Zebra Telescopic pen for those times I am out and need a pen to jot a note or sign my name. I carry the Civivi Baklash for opening boxes and packages. I don’t need any of these on a daily basis, but during a regular week each of these items will get some use.

Understanding the purpose behind your carry will help you determine the items you want to include in your carry.

Make a list. 

There are common items associated with EDC, such as a knife, multitool, flashlight, and pen. However, remember that you are creating a list based on your purpose. While it is tempting to copy someone else's carry or obtain cool gear, we may end up accumulating gear that doesn't fit our purpose.

The best place to start when creating a carry is with what you already have. There is no need to buy a new knife or multitool when you probably already have one lying around. By carrying items that you already have, you can get a feel for what you would like to include in your EDC, what you might like to upgrade, and what items don't interest you.

It is important to create a list of EDC items based on what works well for you rather than what other people say is useful or cool.

Research and choose your items. 

This is part of the fun of EDC. There are many YouTube videos and blog articles that discuss EDC and review different items. What I like to do is look for budget items that are of high quality. With a little bit of research, it is possible to assemble a carry that consists of quality items but is fairly inexpensive.

Consider your carry method. 

For me, EDC mainly involves the items you carry on your person. With this in mind, you don't want your pockets to be filled with a bunch of loose items. There are different pocket organizers available that allow you to keep your items organized. I have organizers that hold my pen, flashlight, and mini-multitool.

A keychain might be another option for small items. Many of the smaller flashlights and multitools have attachments that allow them to be put on a keychain. Personally, I don't like the bulk of a keychain, but it is a possibility.

Test and adjust. 

Once you have assembled your EDC, test it out and make adjustments as needed. You may find that some items are more or less useful than you initially thought, or that you need to switch out certain items for different situations. You will also discover what you like and don't like in knives, flashlights, multitools, and other gear. This will give you confidence as you seek to upgrade and finalize your carry.

Remember, creating an EDC is a personal process, and there is no one "right" way to do it. The goal is to create a collection of items that will help you be prepared for whatever challenges you may encounter in your daily life.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

EDC Wednesday: What is Everyday Carry?

 I am a big proponent of Everyday Carry. All of us have an everyday carry, whether we realize it or not.

An Everyday Carry is the set of items you take with you every time you leave the house. Most of us make sure we have a wallet, keys, and our phones on us when we go to work or run few errands. It is worth asking, “Is there anything else that might be useful during the day?”

The concept behind Everyday Carry (EDC) is carrying items that prove useful to us as we go about our normal daily tasks. Things like our wallets, phones, and keys they are everyday carry items by default, because they are things we know we need everyday. Building out an actual EDC involves thinking through the items that could be carried with you everyday that would make your life easier.

The EDC world focuses on a few basic items when it comes to a daily carry: knife, multi-tool, flashlight, pen, watch, and handkerchief. This may be the type of gear that EDC people focus on, that does not mean that these are the items that will prove useful in your daily life. For instance I know of a few people who carry nail clippers, not only for clipping nails, but for other small cutting tasks.

This is what my current EDC looks like:

After several years of experimenting with different items, this what I have come to like the best. 

In the picture I have a Leatherman Skeletool, Civivi Baklash, Tom’s Fidgets Flippy Chain, Olight i3t flashlight, Zebra Telescopic Pen, Victorinox Tinker Swiss Army Knife, Dryki Microfiber Handkerchief, and Norwex Optic Scarf.

This set of gear is a good combination of what is practical for me and what I simply enjoy carrying. As a pastor I don’t have a need for a knife the size of the Baklash on a daily basis, but I like carrying it (the Baklash is my favorite knife), so I carry it. I carry it, not because it is practical, but because of enjoyment. The Skeletool, between the pliers and the screwdriver, is enough to do most small jobs the might pop up during the day. I carry it because it is practical and useful on a regular basis.

An EDC is the set of items that you carry that are useful to you on daily basis. They might have a practical function or they might simply bring you joy.

All of us are going to carry things in our pockets and bags as we go about our lives, so lets put some thought into what goes along with us everyday. 

Philosophy of Discipleship

What is a disciple? A disciple is someone who is passionately committed to becoming more like Jesus Christ. Jesus said: "Students are n...