
Paul's Ponderings is to be a place where an exchange of ideas can take place. I want to encourage you to comment and let me know what you are thinking.

Here are a few simple rules to guide the comment section of the blog.
  1. No spam. This is not the place to try to market your newest product or to promote your website/blog. Comments should be about the post and encourage dialogue with myself and other commenters. Spam comments will be deleted.
  2. No foul language. Remember this is a blog by a pastor about following Jesus. Use language that is appropriate for this platform. Comments that contain questionable language will be deleted.
  3. No derogatory or inflammatory comments. Keep things respectful. It is possible to have a civilized conversation with people, even when we disagree with their ideas and beliefs. Respect is one of the ways we convey dignity to one another. Comments that are disrespectful will be deleted.
  4. No bots or anonymous comments. The goal is to create an environment for dialogue and that is difficult to do when comments are left without leaving a name. If you are commenting at least use a nickname or a pseudonym to identify yourself. This makes it easier for comments to addressed properly. Anonymous comments will be deleted. 
  5. No off-topic rants. Comments must stay on topic. If you have something to say on the topic, I want to hear your view in a short, concise format. Off-topic comments will be deleted.
  6. No blog posts parading as comments. If you have a lot to say, maybe you should consider starting your own blog. The objective of the comment section is to have a discussion, not to publish lectures! 
  7. No inbedded links to another website. The comment section doesn’t exist to help other blogs and websites build their link love. The only exception should be links to information that supports the conversation. Any link that is put into a comment must lead to an article, blog post, podcast, or video that supports the main thought of the comment. Comments the simply link to somewhere else will be deleted. Comments that link to irrelevant sites will be deleted.
Paul's Ponderings is my blog. I reserve the right to moderate, edit, and delete the comments that are posted here. I will also provide an explanation for my actions so people can understand how I handle comments that fall outside the rules.

Comments that are insightful, thoughtful, and respectful are gladly welcomed here. Dialogue is a great tool for stimulating our own thinking and opening our minds up to new ideas.

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