Monday, January 27, 2025

Lessons from the King: Making an Impact

Called to Make an Impact

In the middle of the eighteenth century, the fight against the slave trade seemed like an impossible task. The trade was deeply ingrained in society, supported by powerful interests in Parliament, and widely accepted despite its inhumane cruelty. Christians began collecting evidence of the horrors of slavery, hoping to sway public opinion and bring about change. They needed a leader—someone to champion their cause in the political arena. That leader was William Wilberforce, a member of Parliament who experienced a profound conversion to Christianity in 1785.

Influenced by John Newton, a former slave trader turned pastor, Wilberforce felt called to use his position to fight for the abolition of the slave trade. He wrote, “So enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did its wickedness appear that my own mind was completely made up for the abolition. A trade founded in iniquity and carried on as this was must be abolished.” For 20 years, Wilberforce faced intense opposition. Lord Melbourne, one of his critics, famously complained, “Things have come to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade public life.” But Wilberforce persevered, supported by Christians across England. Finally, in 1807, Parliament voted to abolish the slave trade.

Wilberforce’s story is a powerful example of how Christians can bring about moral and societal change. It reminds us that following Christ is not just personal—it’s a call to make an impact in the world for God’s Kingdom.

Too often, faith is viewed as a personal experience. It’s about my relationship with God, myblessings, and how God can improve my life. In this process, we overlook the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom is not a future concept—something that begins when Jesus returns. It’s about the here and now. God’s Kingdom comes into the world as people live by faith in King Jesus.

It all depends on faith. Remember: we can’t be citizens of God’s Kingdom if we’re not faithful to the King. Just as loyalty defines good citizenship in any country, loyalty to King Jesus defines citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Jesus began His ministry where John the Baptist left off: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” The Sermon on the Mount explores what it means to be a citizen of this Kingdom. The Beatitudes summarize the character and values of Kingdom citizens. It starts with, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven,” emphasizing total reliance on God. It ends with, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven,” acknowledging that citizens will face opposition.

Jesus assures us that being in the Kingdom is worth it, and then moves on to teach about the responsibilities of Kingdom citizens.

1. Salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13)

To understand Jesus’ teaching, we need to grasp the uses of salt in His time. Salt purified, flavored, preserved, and symbolized the covenant with God. Jesus likely meant a combination of these uses. Salt influences its environment.

• What is Earth?: This refers to the ground, the land—specifically Israel, the Promised Land. Disciples as the “salt of the earth” had a mission to preserve and purify the faithful remnant of Israel, who were in danger of missing the Kingdom.

• The Mission to Impact God’s People: We have a responsibility to influence the Church by purifying it from outside influences and preserving it for King Jesus. We do this through our lives—with love, humility, mercy, and forgiveness—and through what we teach—Scripture and truth. 

If we lose our “saltiness”—our influence—we risk becoming irrelevant to the Kingdom.

2. Light of the World (Matthew 5:14-16)

Light illuminates darkness with love and truth. Isaiah used this imagery to remind Israel of their responsibility to represent God to the Gentiles. Jesus came as the Light of the World, and His followers are called to reflect His light.

• Evangelism: We illuminate darkness by teaching others about sin, salvation, and the new life found in Jesus. Our faithful lives—marked by love—demonstrate to the world that there is a better way to live. A covered light is useless.

• Two Sides of Discipleship: Salt represents spiritual formation—preserving and teaching the truth. Light represents evangelism—shining love and truth to those who don’t know God. Together, they encompass the responsibility of Kingdom citizens.

A covered light is useless. Similarly, our faithful lives must be visible to the world, guiding others to glorify God.

3. Fulfillment of the Law (Matthew 5:17-20)

This passage can be challenging, but it builds on the themes of salt and light. To be Kingdom people requires living righteous lives—being in right relationship with God and fulfilling the intent of His Law.

  • Jesus and the Law: Some accused Jesus of dismissing the Torah, but He clarified that He came to fulfill it. His teachings revealed the heart of the Law: love for God and love for people.

  • True Righteousness: Jesus taught that true righteousness isn’t about rigidly following rules but embodying the intent of the Law. This prioritizes people over legalism, as seen in the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

Our righteousness isn’t about earning God’s favor through works but about reflecting His love in our lives.

We Have a Responsibility

 Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven have a responsibility to influence the world with Kingdom values. Salt preserves—influencing the Church. Light illuminates—bringing love and truth to those in darkness. Fulfilling these roles requires living righteous lives—not just adhering to the letter of the law but fulfilling its purpose through love for God and others.

Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven are called to represent King Jesus in the world by showing people there is a better way to live. This is how the world is saved: by seeing the better way and being challenged to accept it.

How do I apply this to my life? Ask God how you can be salt and light in your corner of the world. Encourage a fellow Christian to remain faithful. Share the Gospel with someone who needs to hear it. Be salt and light in your sphere of influence.

May we faithfully represent King Jesus, influencing the world with His love and truth. In doing so, we invite others to experience the life-transforming power of His Kingdom.

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