Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Questions God Asks: Where Are You?

On March 28, 2007, Misty Ann Weaver, a vocational nurse, started a fire in a mid-rise office building in an attempt to delay an audit for her employer, Dr. Robert Capriotti, a cosmetic surgeon. They had fallen behind in getting all the needed documents together, and Misty hoped the fire would buy them time. Instead of buying them time, her actions led to tragic consequences. The fire spiraled out of control, and three people died of smoke inhalation. Misty thought she had plan to cover up the fact that she had fallen behind in completing her assignment, but her plan led to the deaths of three people. On October 2008, she pleaded guilty to three counts of felony murder and one count of first-degree arson. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Misty’s story is extreme, but it illustrates a universal truth: our tendency to cover up our mistakes rather than confront them. We all have moments when we try to hide our shortcomings, hoping no one notices. But these actions often have consequences—maybe not as tragic as Misty's, but damaging nonetheless. The question we must ask ourselves is: How have you tried to cover things up in your life?

This isn’t just a rhetorical question; it’s an invitation to reflect. Questions like this help us connect our lives to a deeper truth. We often think of questions as tools to gain information, but they serve many other purposes too: to show interest, to stimulate creativity, to engage others, and to make people think deeply. In Scripture, God uses questions in a similar way—not because He needs information, but because He wants us to pause, reflect, and become mindful of our relationship with Him.

God’s Questions: An Invitation to Reflection

Throughout the Bible, God asks questions—not because He lacks knowledge, but because He wants His people to become aware of their own hearts and their relationship with Him. This is especially clear in Genesis 3:1-13, where God asks Adam and Eve, “Where are you?” after they eat from the forbidden tree. It’s crucial to remember that these texts were written long ago for an ancient culture, specifically the Israelites, who were surrounded by idolatry. These stories reveal the character of God, not to answer all our modern questions but to show the radical nature of His relationship with His people.

In Genesis 3, we witness a fascinating contrast: the humans are described as “naked” (innocent) in Genesis 2:25, while the serpent is described as “shrewd” or cunning. The serpent (whether Satan himself or influenced by him) challenges God’s command, and the woman, in response, adds to it by saying they must not even touch the fruit. This act of adding to God’s word opens the door for further temptation.

The woman’s desire for the fruit and the man’s silence speak to a truth we all face today—our desires and intentions matter. The man’s failure to intervene could suggest he was tempted as well, perhaps using the woman as a test case. Regardless, their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked. In that moment, they lost their innocence, and the knowledge they gained was too much for them to handle. They tried to cover their shame with leaves, an act that mirrors how we often attempt to hide our own failures.

“Where Are You?”: God’s Call to Vulnerability

When God shows up, Adam and Eve hide, ashamed of what they’ve done. God’s question, “Where are you?” isn’t about finding their physical location; it’s a call to reflect on their spiritual state. God knew where they were physically, but He wanted them to realize their own separation from Him and the opportunity to restore that broken relationship. God then asks, “Who told you that you were naked?” Again, God isn’t seeking information; He wants Adam and Eve to come to terms with their choices and their consequences.

This moment in Genesis stands out compared to other ancient myths of its time because it highlights the possibility of restoration and relationship with God. It wasn’t about condemnation alone; it was about God’s willingness to bring healing. God’s question, “Where are you?” echoes through the ages. He asks us today, “Where are you in your relationship with Me?” Are you hiding, afraid of what God might say or do? Are you covering up your mistakes, pretending everything is okay? Are you blaming others, or are you willing to confess and seek forgiveness?

The Call to Confession

1 John 1:5-10 reminds us that instead of hiding, we need to confess. Instead of blaming, we need to own our sins. Instead of covering up, we need to seek God’s forgiveness. Confession shows that we are mindful and intentional about our relationship with God. It’s not about condemnation but about restoration. God’s invitation is to step out of hiding and move into a place of healing.

Bottom Line: God’s Desire for Relationship

The bottom line is this: God desires a relationship with each of us, regardless of our past or our sins. No mistake is too great to separate us from His love. But we need to be willing to come out of hiding, to confess, and to start the process of reconciliation. It’s the starting point for a renewed relationship with Him.

A Challenge

This week, take time to reflect and confess the obstacles in your relationship with God. These obstacles could be sin, but they might also be doubt, fear, or worry. Don’t take your relationship with God for granted; be intentional about strengthening it. Seek God with honesty, and in doing so, you’ll find that God is already there, ready to meet you.

God’s question isn’t one of condemnation but one of invitation: “Where are you?” How will you respond?

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