Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

A Light in the Darkness


In 2020, a record-breaking megaflash” of lightning illuminated the skies over the southern United States, stretching an astounding 477.2 miles. This extraordinary event reminds us of the unique power of light to pierce even the vastest darkness. While most lightning bolts are brief and localized, megaflashes span regions, carrying light and energy far beyond the typical bounds of a thunderstorm.


This phenomenon provides a vivid illustration of biblical prophecy. Many Old Testament prophecies addressed the immediate needs of their audience—like a flash of light offering momentary guidance. Yet some of these prophecies, such as Isaiah’s announcement of the coming Messiah, resemble megaflashes, illuminating not just their own time but stretching forward to our present day. These promises reveal God’s plan to bring hope and redemption to His creation.


Advent: A Season of Hope

The season of Advent, leading up to Christmas, invites us to pause, reflect, and prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus. It reminds us that we worship a God who keeps His promises. Advent focuses on hope, peace, joy, and love, helping us reflect on the profound truth of God’s promise to save and transform His creation.


But how can we be confident that God will keep His promise to return, restore justice, defeat evil, and make everything right? The answer lies in the fact that God has already kept His promise by sending Jesus.


A Prophetic Light in the Darkness

In Isaiah 9:2-7, the prophet speaks of a coming light breaking into the darkness of judgment and exile. This light, Isaiah declares, will be a child born to bring peace, justice, and hope.


The Messiah, Isaiah foretells, will have titles that signify His divine and royal role:

• Wonderful Counselor: He offers wisdom and guidance beyond human understanding.

• Mighty God: He embodies the strength and victory of God Himself.

• Everlasting Father: He will reign with the eternal care of the loving Father.

• Prince of Peace: He will usher in a reign of wholeness and restoration.


Centuries later, in Luke 1:26-38, the angel Gabriel delivers this same promise to Mary, a young girl in a small town. The news is unexpected and overwhelming: she will give birth to the Savior. Yet Mary responds with faith, declaring, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” Her willingness to trust God’s promise becomes the bridge by which the light enters the world.


Living as Children of the Light

The Apostle Paul, in Ephesians 5:8-9, reminds believers that we are no longer in darkness because of Jesus. Instead, we are called to live as people of the light—repenting of sin, loving others, and living lives of goodness, righteousness, and truth. In doing so, we reflect the hope of Christ to a world still shrouded in darkness.


Isaiah’s prophecy pointed forward to Jesus, the light who brings wisdom, love, and hope. Now, as followers of Jesus, we carry that light into the world. In every act of kindness, every word of truth, and every step of faith, we reveal the hope of God’s promises.


The Hope That Sustains Us

Hope, rooted in God’s promises, is essential for enduring life’s challenges. It assures us that darkness will not last forever, that evil will be defeated, and that God’s new creation will one day be fully realized. As Revelation 21:3-4 declares:

“Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”


Until that day, we live in hope, holding fast to the faithfulness of the One who promised.


Challenge: Embracing the Light of Hope

This week, take time each day to thank God for the hope we have in Jesus:

• Hope for eternal life.

• Hope for transformation.

• Hope for the forgiveness of sins.

• Hope for the defeat of evil.

• Hope for the new creation.


By focusing on these truths, we allow the light of God’s promises to penetrate the darkness in our hearts and the world around us.


Final Thought

In a world often engulfed in darkness, the promises of God shine like a megaflash, illuminating the way forward. The same God who sent Jesus to bring light to the world will fulfill His promise to return and make all things new. Until then, we live as children of the light, reflecting hope, goodness, and truth to a world in need of His redeeming love.

Philosophy of Discipleship

What is a disciple? A disciple is someone who is passionately committed to becoming more like Jesus Christ. Jesus said: "Students are n...