Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2024

51 Truths I have Learned in 51 Years

Today is my 51st birthday. My birthday present to you are these truths that I have learned during my 51 years of life.

  1. If you go for the right reasons, God will get you to the right place.” — I heard Erwin McManus say this back in 2003, and it has been a guiding principle for my life ever since. Our motivations matter.
  2. Every person is a theologian, whether consciously or unconsciously. What you believe about God shapes your worldview and the way you live. Take time to reflect on what you believe and why.
  3. Humans are created in God’s image. This means we are to represent Him in everything we say and do.
  4. The Lord of the Rings is the greatest story ever written.
  5. No matter what team you cheer for there will be moments of exhilaration, frustration, hope, and despair. The key is to not let our emotions be dictated by the final score. Thankfully I have celebrated 3 championships for the Boston Celtics and 3 for the Denver Broncos during my time as a fan.
  6. Smoking meat is a great hobby.
  7. The Bible may not provide the answers to all the questions asked in our culture, but it does provide a framework that helps us create a Christian worldview.
  8. I was 37 years-old when I married Jenny. It is totally worth waiting for the right person, even when there are moments you wonder if it will ever happen.
  9. We are citizens of heaven first. Our mission isn’t to win elections but to make disciples and be a blessing to our community. This is how exiles of the Kingdom live in the world.
  10. Dogs offer great companionship.
  11. Hiking in the mountains is the best type of vacation. 
  12. What we believe about God influences our decisions, values, and purpose in life. Don’t just follow the crowd—reflect deeply on your faith and how it shapes your path.
  13. Growing up on a farm is a great life for a young boy.
  14. The resurrection of Jesus is the central truth of Christianity. If it didn’t happen following Jesus wouldn’t matter. Because it did, there is nothing more important in life
  15. Living a life of faith will naturally lead to living a counter-cultural life.
  16. Being a life long learner is crucial to living a full life.
  17. The Bible is an amazing book. I have grown to love it the more I read it, studied it, and learned about it. Taking time to get to know the Bible is worth the time and effort.
  18. Smoking chicken is the best way to have chicken. The same can be said about turkey.
  19. Northern Minnesota is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
  20. “Those who know that God is on the throne and is in control of human affairs can remain calm amid the evils and sorrows of the world.” ~ John Stott, What Christ Thinks of the Church 
  21. Ahsoka Tano is the best character in Star Wars, followed closely by Obi Wan Kenobi and Rex. This isn’t even debatable. 
  22. God created us for community. We cannot fully reflect His image alone. It is only in community that we can be who He intends us to be. — Larry Crabb
  23. Living with virtue makes us free from the consequences of bad choices that lead to our enslavement. When we are not enslaved we are free to help and serve those around us.
  24. "If we don't allow scripture to challenge us at places where our culture is doing it's best to squeeze us into a different pattern, what use is it?" - N. T. Wright; Paul For Everyone: The Prison Letters
  25. Our struggle isn't against people, but the spiritual forces that enslave us. Jesus came to set us free—our mission as the Church is to continue that work by loving our neighbors and making disciples. 
  26. Hayden Fry is an underrated coach who produced a great coaching tree.
  27. Even when Dad is in the room the kids will still ask for Mom.
  28. A healthy relationship with God requires prayer. We are moved to pray when we understand who God is and his love for us. We will give God our worries and cares when we believe He loves us.
  29. As Christians, our allegiance is to King Jesus, not political parties. When we engage in politics, our priority is to King Jesus and his mission of making disciples. 
  30. Being a father is not only a rewarding experience, but also a learning experience. I have learned a lot about myself, following Jesus, and God’s love by being a dad.
  31. One of the most powerful tools we have in spiritual formation is choosing. We are a product of our choices.
  32. The most powerful political action a Christian can take is prayer (1 Timothy 2:1-4). We need to pray for our leaders that they govern with wisdom and justice. 
  33. “For the follower of Jesus, servant leadership isn’t just an option, it’s a mandate.”— Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges, The Servant Leader
  34. The true hero of The Lord of the Rings is Samwise Gamgee. He is the one we should try to imitate.
  35. Abiding fully means praying much. Prayer is the pulse of the spiritual life; it marks the outgoings of the heart towards God, and the incomings of divine power. Nothing can so effectively resist the devil as prayer. — Andrew Murray
  36. Forgiving others is an extension of the forgiveness we have received from God, who, through Jesus, forgave our sins and opened the way for reconciliation to happen.
  37. “However deep our sorrows or great our suffering, Jesus knows and cares.” ~ John Stott, What Christ Thinks of the Church
  38. My life is better when I listen to Jenny.
  39. Time is a precious resource, which means we need to be good stewards of it! Let's make the most of every moment and use our time wisely. We live wisely when we love God and love people.
  40. We are all being formed spiritually, whether or not we are intentional about it. It is worth the time to be committed to our Christian Spiritual formation.
  41. Being disciplined in how we live allows us to be good stewards of the miracle of salvation God has given for us.
  42. The year 1913 was the worst year in United States history.
  43. Our actions may not result in world peace or solve global hunger or diminish crime in our communities, but our choice to love, to forgive, and to serve can have a huge impact on those around us.
  44. Larry Bird is the greatest basketball player of all time. His games transcends all different eras.
  45. The true leader in the Church is the person who is loyal to Jesus. Doubts may come, hardships may arrive, and persecution may be present, but that leader remains committed to Jesus. No matter what, they will not forsake their King.
  46. "The Bible is there to enable God's people to be equipped to do God's work in God's world, not to give them an excuse to sit back smugly, knowing they possess all God's truth." ~ N. T. Wright, Simply Christian
  47. A Batman and James Bond team up would make for a great movie.
  48. We need to challenge ourselves. Doing hard things is crucial for our mental and physical health.
  49. Ron Paul is the greatest politician of my life time.
  50. A holy life is characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  51. Smoked cream cheese is a great treat.

Philosophy of Discipleship

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