Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Step Away From The Lies


"The first step toward God is a step away from the lies of the world. It is a renunciation of the lies we have been told about ourselves, our neighbors, and our universe."  

— Eugene Peterson, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, p. 29

The world is filled with countless messages that seek to shape who we are, what we believe, and how we view ourselves and others. Our constant exposure to social media, the enticing whispers of advertisements, and the news outlets we follow can make it feel like truth is hard to discern.

And you know what?  

All this messaging not only twists our perception of reality, but it also messes with our hearts. The messages we receive from the world can divide our loyalties between the Kingdom of God and the world, causing us to prioritize the wrong things in life.

In the midst of this reality, let's not lose hope!

Peterson’s wisdom in A Long Obedience in the Same Direction reminds us that there is a way forward. The path we need to take is a bold step away from the deceptive narratives the world pushes on us.

While we may not have control over the messages being blasted into our lives, we do have a choice about what we let in. Picture it like turning away from unhealthy, cancer-causing food that has consumed you for too long, and choosing instead a healthier diet.

The Bible provides many examples of people who have embraced this pivotal step.

One such person is the prophet Isaiah, whose life-changing encounter with God is found in Isaiah 6.

Isaiah’s vision revealed God seated on His heavenly throne, surrounded by spiritual beings. The sheer awesomeness of this revelation overwhelmed Isaiah, prompting him to cry out:

"Woe is me, for I am ruined  

because I am a man of unclean lips  

and live among a people of unclean lips,  

and because my eyes have seen the King,  

the LORD of Armies." 

— (Isaiah 6:5, CSB)

Isaiah's response came from a deep realization of his sinfulness, which moved him to acknowledge the shortcomings of all of Israel.

But despite this revelation, Isaiah did not fall into despair. Instead, he took the first crucial step toward God. With a newfound understanding of his unworthiness, Isaiah confessed his sin to God. In response, God sent a seraphim, a spiritual being, to purify Isaiah’s lips with a burning coal from the altar. This purification spread throughout Isaiah’s body as the seraphim declared:

"Now that this has touched your lips,  

your iniquity is removed  

and your sin is atoned for."  

— (Isaiah 6:7, CSB)

Isaiah’s story shows us that the first step toward God begins with confronting the lies we believe. Isaiah didn’t grasp the full extent of his sin, or the sin of Israel, until he caught a glimpse of God’s glory. That experience gave Isaiah a new perspective on himself and the world.

It’s worth considering what distorted beliefs we hold about ourselves, our neighbors, the world, and even God Himself. This is where humility must come in. If we don’t have the humility to consider that we might be wrong, that there are parts of the story we don’t know, then it will be hard for us to be corrected when we’re wrong.

No one likes to be told they’re wrong. When someone points out our flaws or our false beliefs we want to hunker down and defend our position. It takes more than being told that we are wrong to move us to change. This why Eugene Peterson called this journey a long obedience in the same direction. It’s a journey of repentance, learning, and obedience that moves us to forgive, serve, and love.

As we walk the path of faith, we need to draw inspiration from those who have gone before us. Like Isaiah and other heroes of faith, we must choose to step away from the shadows of deception. We must let go the chains of lies that have held us back and embrace the truth that will ultimately set us free.

In this process, it’s crucial to remember: with every step we take, we are not alone.

The Holy Spirit walks beside us, using Scripture, prayer, and the Church to guide us closer to the heart of God.

With this in mind, we can be confident as we step forward with unwavering obedience and trust, because we know that this journey leads us to a deeper relationship with the One who loves us beyond measure.

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