For us who follow Jesus the Bible is a very important book.
It provides the fundamental truth for us to believe. It forms our faith. It teaches us how to follow Jesus.
Since the Bible is such an important book for our spiritual formation, we should know what it is.
The Bible is a collection of books written over a 1,000 years and tell the story of God and how He relates to humanity. The prophets of the Old Testament and the Apostles of the New Testament both believed that these writings contain the truth that God wants His people to know and understand.
Since God's voice can be heard through Scripture we need to prepare ourselves to hear it as we come to the Bible to read. Before we open the cover of our Bible (or open the Bible app on our phones), we should spend a few moments in prayer and ask God to give us ears to hear the truth He wants us to know. It is important for us to invite God to speak to us through these words that were written thousands of years ago.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Law is Incapable
"Law is always external. It is always imposed from outside. It can never make man good. It can only make him wish he had been good." ~ W. Carl Ketcherside; The Death of the Custodian
Law is incapable of changing people.
It would be great if it did. That would mean all we needed to do to rid the world of evil is to make new laws.
The reality that the law is incapable of changing us doesn't mean that law is useless. It does mean that we need to understand the limitations of law, so we don't put unrealistic expectation on it.
The law does have the ability to stop some people from doing certain behaviors. It is capable of doing this because they are afraid of the punishment. In the back of their minds is that voice that is whispering, "What if I get caught?"
The restraint these people experience is not from the desire to do good, but the desire to avoid getting into trouble. They wouldn't hesitant to do evil deeds if they could be assured there would be no consequences for their actions.
Their outward appearance appears to be good, but their hearts remain dark.
Consider these snippets from the Sermon on the Mount:
"You have heard that the law of Moses says, "'Do not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.' But I say, if you are angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the high council. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell" (Matthew 5:21-22; NLT).
"You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:27-28; NLT).
"You have heard that the law of Moses says, 'Love your neighbor and hate you enemy.' But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!" (Matthew 5:43-44; NLT).
Jesus taught that what mattered more than our obedience to the law is the condition of our heart.
The law cannot fix a heart twisted by sin!
Our only hope for a true change of heart is Jesus. Our faith allows Jesus to heal our hearts and empower us to overcome the sin in our lives.
Obedience to the law is powerless to take away the consequences of sin in our lives. Law can inform us what is right and wrong, but once it has been broken, it remains broken.
What does that mean?
One thing it means is that law can't change us. The law can point us in the right direction, but it can't make us obedient. If we are interested in the transformation of lives, then we have to look at things outside of law. We need to use things like love, truth, faith, and sacrifice.
A second thing it means is that everyone is in the same boat. We have all disobeyed God and broken the law. We are powerless to make amends on our own. We need God's help to change.
Yes, the law is important, but it is incapable of making us good. Only God can do that.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Be a Praying Boyfriend

and girlfriends is littered with potential pitfalls, which means that very few people escape the process unscathed. Many of us carry the scars and broken hearts of dating relationships gone bad. Some of those wounds we received while dating will be with us the rest of our lives.
Because dating is so dangerous it is essential for Christian guys to approach dating with wisdom, guidance, and love. Guys, please remember that you are not out on a great hunt trying to find meat for supper, but you are in pursuit of a life partner who you can love, cherish, and lead. Dating, as exciting as it is, is also a huge responsibility.
As you date you need to keep in mind that the girlfriends that you have are, first and foremost, daughters of God. If you are a Christian, this means you have the responsibility to help her mature in faith, to encourage her to use her talents in ministry, and not to become an obstacle as she follows Jesus.
In other words you need to hold her life as a sacred trust for as long as she is a part of your life. Her life is not yours to use however you want or to destroy. You are responsible for protecting her as long as she is in your care.
As a Christian, your dating experiences cannot be all about fun, but they also need to be about mutual encouragement as both of you grow in faith. I believe that it is the man who is to lead the relationship in this aspect. If you are not leading your girlfriend spiritually it is your responsibility to stop dating until you are spiritually mature enough to lead.
How do you go about leading your girlfriend spiritually? You begin to lead your girlfriend though prayer. I don’t mean some wimpy little prayer that many people like to pray: “God, I would just like to ask that You will just be with my girlfriend and just grow her spiritually…”
I am afraid that such a prayer isn’t going to do too much. You see prayer doesn’t start with the words you say during prayer, but it starts with your motivation for praying. For your prayers to be effective you have to believe that God hears your prayers, and that He has your best interests at heart. Prayer also has to become important enough to you that you set aside time to pray each and every day. If you are just praying to mark “prayer” off our religious to do list, well then your prayers aren’t going to accomplish much.
When it comes to praying for your girlfriends you have to answer the question: “Do I want my girlfriend to grow in her relationship with God?”
Don’t be so quick to answer that question. The quick Sunday School answer is, “Yes, I do!”
I think you need to stop and consider some of the potential consequences of your girlfriend maturing in her faith.
- What if God shows her that the next step in her journey of faith is to break up with you? Would you be okay with that?
- What if God uses her to bring up issues in your life that you would rather remain hidden? Would you be okay with that?
When it comes to praying for your girlfriend, I think it is important to remember that you need to pray for them with them. You need to pray for her during your quiet time of prayer, but you also need to hold her hand and ask God to bless and guide her. She needs to hear this because she needs to know that you want God’s will for her no matter what happens in your relationship. Make sure you set aside time on your dates to pray with her and for her.
I want to offer a word of caution. Do not do this in the early stages of your relationship. It could freak her out because she might think you rushing things. It could also create a false sense of intimacy that your relationship has not yet reached. Wait for the right time to start praying together, just as you would with holding hands and kissing.
With that being said I want to give you a few practical prayers that you need to pray for your girlfriend if you are going to help her grow spiritually.
- Pray that God will keep both of you on the same page. This has proved essential to me in the last three relationships that I had before getting married. In the two cases where the relationship ended, God revealed that truth to both of us. While there was sadness that accompanied the end of the relationship, we both knew that God wanted us to go our separate ways, and we were able to part on good terms. There is no way to avoid the pain of a break up, but with God’s wisdom and guidance we can make it sting a little less.
- Pray for the knowledge of God’s will. The apostle Paul at the beginning of his letter to the Colossians reveals his prayer for them; And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:9-10; ESV). Ask God to fill your girlfriend with a knowledge of His will that comes through spiritual wisdom and understanding. Remember the important thing in her life isn’t that she will become your wife, but that she will live a life that is worthy of Christ Jesus. This is such an important prayer for you to pray, not only for your girlfriend, but for everyone you pray for, because everyone is in need of God’s wisdom.
- Ask for her to be clothed in the Armor of God. The Armor of God is found in Ephesians 6:13-17. The apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6 that we are in a battle, a spiritual battle, and that means your girlfriend is out in the middle of battle field. Daily you need to ask God to put His armor on her. To do this you need to take time to walk through this passage and mention each specific piece of armor. The reason you need to pray this prayer is to help her to have the ability to stand firm in the face of the enemy’s attacks. This is also a prayer that I use for myself each day, I need to be clothed in God armor otherwise I will fall.
- Ask for God’s Kingdom to come into her life. This comes from the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:10). The way I use this prayer is to focus on God’s Kingdom and ask that she will be a part of it, and for His will to be done for her as it is in heaven. The best life that you can live is lived in accordance to God’s will, and so you want your girlfriend to know God’s will, and receive the strength and courage she needs in living out His will for her life.
- Thank God for the opportunity. Each relationship is a gift from God. This is especially true with romantic relationships. Thank God for bringing such a beautiful woman into your life. Because you are thankful, ask God to give you the wisdom and guidance you need to be an encouragement to her. A relationship with a beautiful Christian woman is a great blessing, so you need to thank God for that wonderful blessing. Like all blessings there is also responsibility, and that responsibility is to lead and encourage her in her walk with Jesus. In order to do that effectively you need God’s wisdom, and as James wrote (James 1:5) if you lack wisdom you need to ask God for the wisdom you need to spiritually lead the woman you call your girlfriend.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Living as an Alien
Have you ever felt like you are "out of place"?
To be a disciple of Jesus means to be out of place in the world. We are like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. Our edges keeping us from fitting in.
I wonder if we, as the Church, have missed this reality.
Our sermons, lessons, and books deal with how we can have our best life now and how to live a life of purpose, but we are seldom taught how to live as foreigners in a foreign land.
Perhaps we are a little too comfortable with the world around us.
An alien in a foreign country stands out because he is different.
He speaks a different language (or at least with an accent).
He dresses differently. He celebrates different holidays.
He has different values.
Christians are to live like foreigners in a strange land.
Our goal isn't to learn the language and the customs of the world, but to create a little out post of the Kingdom of God.
We are to live by the customs and values of Heaven.
The apostle Peter wrote:
As "temporary residents" and "foreigners"!
We are displaced!
We are not at home!
I want you to catch this: Being a part of God's kingdom compels us to live differently from the world.
God isn’t interested in people who will merely confess their belief in Him.
The Bible tells us that at Jesus' return everyone will bow a knee and confess Jesus as Lord.
God wants people who, by faith, voluntary kneel before Him. Christians are God's people who live by faith.
As His people we are motivated by a different set of desires. As His people we live by a different standard. As His people we love the unlovely and help the helpless.
God expects His people not to abandon the customs of their home country, but to teach the customs of Heaven to others. We do this by living differently than the world around us.
In his book The Barbarian Way, Erwin McManus wrote:
Are you walking out of step with the world?
My great concern for the Church in the United States is that we are not really the Church. We are a caricature of what the Church is called to be.
It is true that many of us live by a different moral standard from the world, yet our hopes and dreams are wrapped up in the very same ambitions and desires of the world. Our dreams and desires center around success, money, happiness, and relationships. The list could go on, but the point is that while we are morally different from the world we are not spiritually different from them.
That my friends was one of the problems Jesus had with the Pharisees. They looked good on the outside, but on the inside they were filled with dead men’s bones.
White washed tombs.
We need to quite fooling ourselves that to be different from the world is just about having the right moral standard.
Being different from the world primarily has to do with our desires, dreams, attitudes, and thoughts. This requires a different hope.
The hope for Christians is not that we get to live in Heaven with God for eternity. Rather, our hope is that through Jesus' death, resurrection, and return, everything will be made right. It is the belief that the Kingdom of God will one day reclaim all its lost territory.
A temporary resident doesn’t put down roots in the land he is living. Instead he hopes and dreams for his home and thinks of the day when he will finally go home again.
To be a disciple of Jesus means to be out of place in the world. We are like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. Our edges keeping us from fitting in.
I wonder if we, as the Church, have missed this reality.
Our sermons, lessons, and books deal with how we can have our best life now and how to live a life of purpose, but we are seldom taught how to live as foreigners in a foreign land.
Perhaps we are a little too comfortable with the world around us.
An alien in a foreign country stands out because he is different.
He speaks a different language (or at least with an accent).
He dresses differently. He celebrates different holidays.
He has different values.
Christians are to live like foreigners in a strange land.
Our goal isn't to learn the language and the customs of the world, but to create a little out post of the Kingdom of God.
We are to live by the customs and values of Heaven.
The apostle Peter wrote:
Dear friends, I warn you as "temporary residents and foreigners" to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls. Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world. (1 Peter 2:11-12; NLT)How does the apostle Peter want us to live?
As "temporary residents" and "foreigners"!
We are displaced!
We are not at home!
I want you to catch this: Being a part of God's kingdom compels us to live differently from the world.
God isn’t interested in people who will merely confess their belief in Him.
The Bible tells us that at Jesus' return everyone will bow a knee and confess Jesus as Lord.
God wants people who, by faith, voluntary kneel before Him. Christians are God's people who live by faith.
As His people we are motivated by a different set of desires. As His people we live by a different standard. As His people we love the unlovely and help the helpless.
God expects His people not to abandon the customs of their home country, but to teach the customs of Heaven to others. We do this by living differently than the world around us.
In his book The Barbarian Way, Erwin McManus wrote:
From the moment we become citizens of the kingdom of God, we become aliens and strangers in a world that chooses to live absent of God. From the first step taken to follow Jesus, we are out of step with the rest of the world. Once your life is in sync with the story of God, you become out of sync with any story that attempts to ignore or eliminate God. You are a stranger to them, an alien among them, a nomadic wanderer who, while refusing to be rooted in this life, seems to somehow enjoy this life most. (p. 93)
Are you walking out of step with the world?
My great concern for the Church in the United States is that we are not really the Church. We are a caricature of what the Church is called to be.
It is true that many of us live by a different moral standard from the world, yet our hopes and dreams are wrapped up in the very same ambitions and desires of the world. Our dreams and desires center around success, money, happiness, and relationships. The list could go on, but the point is that while we are morally different from the world we are not spiritually different from them.
That my friends was one of the problems Jesus had with the Pharisees. They looked good on the outside, but on the inside they were filled with dead men’s bones.
White washed tombs.
We need to quite fooling ourselves that to be different from the world is just about having the right moral standard.
Being different from the world primarily has to do with our desires, dreams, attitudes, and thoughts. This requires a different hope.
The hope for Christians is not that we get to live in Heaven with God for eternity. Rather, our hope is that through Jesus' death, resurrection, and return, everything will be made right. It is the belief that the Kingdom of God will one day reclaim all its lost territory.
A temporary resident doesn’t put down roots in the land he is living. Instead he hopes and dreams for his home and thinks of the day when he will finally go home again.
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